Waiting for a Social Security Hearing? Be Prepared to Wait
Let’s face it – Social Security hearing wait times are long! Following the initial denial, the claimant files a Request for Reconsideration. After Social Security denies the reconsideration application , the claimant requests a hearing in front of an administrative law judge.
For someone who lives in North Idaho, expect to wait over a year for your hearing. Residents of North Idaho and Eastern Washington have their Social Security hearings at the Spokane Office of Hearing Operations in Spokane, Washington. The current wait time for a hearing in Spokane, according the the Social Security Administration’s statistics is 14 months. https://www.ssa.gov/appeals/DataSets/01_NetStat_Report.html
If you live in Lewiston, Moscow, Orofino, Grangeville, Kamiah, Coeur d’Alene, Sandpoint, or anywhere else in North Idaho and have been denied Social Security disability, contact Goicoechea Law Offices for a free case review. Our disability attorneys may be able to help you get your Social Security claim approved.